Monday, September 29, 2014

Comic Round Up for 09/24/14 *Cute Puppet Edition*

Hey everyone in internet land! Do you know what time it is? It’s Comic Book Round Up Time!  And your favorite blogger has taken up a new hobby in puppetry so here is Mr. Sunshine to… wait what!

Who are you? You’re not supposed to be the one hosting this blog!  What friend?

He’s got knives for hands! This is a family friendly blog you can’t just …..

alright fine have it your way.  Apparently the blog today is being hijacked by evil puppets but despite their best efforts we still got a ton of great comics to review today so tighten your strings because we’re going to see Doctor Doom be the most BA character in comic history, the future of space being far more interesting then the future of earth, Godzilla and Anguirus becoming BFF’s and Winston Zedomore enter the running for best Ghostbuster.  All this and more below so long as these puppets stop staring at me,

Brrrr they give me the creeps.

Remember if you like any of the comics you see here today they can all be purchased at or at your local, hopefully, puppet free comic store. also roundup will be moving to Tuesdays while I readjust my schedule.

Superman Doomed #02
*NF: 1
Were-Doom confronts Brainiac on the mental plain as his body tears through the alien tyrant’s ship.  Why is this not over yet? This comic should have ended 3 issues ago.  I’m also asking why were pushing this concept of superman being a killer instead of emphasizing his no kill policy that has become such a staple of his character.  But the real kicker of the issue is the tease of pre new 52 universes at the end that was lame, just a reminder of everything we lost, nothing like rubbing salt in a wound.

Superman: Futures End #01
NF: 2
The identity of the imposter Superman is revealed.   *spoiler* it’s Captain Marvel/Shazam. Not that it really matters as this was only a sort of a plot point for Futures End, and it seems to have no bearing on present cannon so make of that what you will.   Still, it was an alright read but not one I would go rush to pick up.

Aquaman and the others: Futures End # 01
NF: 2
Aquaman and the others go to war with the dead king of Atlantis.  Well no one but the bad guy died this time so I suppose that’s kind of something.  I just find myself not really caring about this issue. It had a decent fight but  the story itself  really didn't make all that much sense and kind forces you to read Futures End which is just as boring and tedious.

Sinestro: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Sinestro breaks out of the universes most secure prison and seeks to reclaim his corps. This was actually pretty good. Really great prison break issue and it was far enough away from all the stuff happening in the other comics that it’s more like a standalone else world tale then any kind of publicity tie in. Sinestro was as SauvĂ© and arrogant as ever, even after he’s lost everything this guy still walks around with an air of superiority around him. I liked the Apex league and hope to see them show up in official canon as opponents for Sinestro or even the green lantern corps.

Red Lanterns: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Guy Gardner and Bleeze hunt down the last remaining red lanterns.  The space stuff is kind of nice as they act as more elseworld kind of tales and don’t carry all the baggage of Futures End.  I have to admit it is really off-putting to see Guy Gardner as a blue Lantern.  I don’t think he’s ever been written this calm or this friendly  it was actually kind of nice to see him mellowed out a bit.

Booster Gold: Futures End #01
NF: 1
Booster Gold is hurled through both time and the Multiverse by forces unknown.  Wow! This issue was confusing, not a good way to start your run.  Booster Gold himself was just fine but it’s hard to understand what Booster we are following, is this Pre 52 booster? Or is that the booster he meets during his time jump? and is boosters sister even canon in new 52?  Did he have the adventures he had pre 52?  I can feel the smoke leaving my ears as I try and process all this time and space nonsense.

The Flash: Futures End #01
The Flash rushes home to stop reverse flash but his future self beats him there.  Time Travel is  confusing. I...I just don’t get what actually happened in this comic and what’s canon, why isn't Thawane or Zolomon  the reverse flash? is this even five years later? I don’t know whats real anymore!  Ahem, sorry sudden mental breakdown for a moment.  Honestly I don’t know what to say about this comic there seems to be a trend going around in new 52 about handicapping all are heroes with some ridiculously over complicated power restriction, whether it’s the Lanterns depleting an emotional reservoir or The flash using up too much of the speed force when he runs, at the end of the day these ideas are simply stupid and they need to stop.

Guardians of the galaxy #19
NF: 1
Peter continues to tell his story about what happened to nova in the cancer verse.   JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO NOVA ALREADY!!!  This is starting to get a little ridicules, I mean it’s an exciting tale and all and it’s nice to revisit old stories but come on!  I've only been waiting almost four years for a simple answer.  I’m also not a fan of how much GoG is starting to reflect the movie in design, not the biggest fan of Gamora with pupils or super bulky Drax.  But that aside I like seeing Gamora having a hard time with the story as the possible fate of Nova looks grimmer and grimmer alluding to the feelings she obviously still has for him.

Cyclops #05
NF: 2
Cyclops and Corsair lure in a bounty hunter ship to help them off the planet.  Well were finally off the shipwrecked planet, a little surprised we stayed there so long, but it offered some excellent character moments and provided growth for both leads so points to the writers for not wasting time.  I do enjoy watching corsair teach his son about life even if he doesn't always realize it, the bit about honor was a particularly nice touch.  I’m still hoping that after young Scott is through with his space adventures he can come back to earth and talk some sense into present day Scott so that he will stop being such @#$%&!  All the time.

New Avengers #24
NF: 0
Namor pleads with Dr. Doom to help him control the Cabal but doom refuses and places his own plans into motion.  Doom is so BA,  seriously  no one  in  the Marvel U is as elegant, intelligent, or in control as doom is at all times, I feel like he and Sinestro would be good friends.  The guy already know about the incursions but plays the patsy just so he can go ahead with his own plans, and the way he just schools Namor is fantastic.   I will add a bit of warning that this is issue is heavy on philosophy and grim storytelling so if those things don’t appeal to you  I would steer clear of this entire run because this is not super hero fun time it’s a surprisingly mature and deep look at morality, inevitability and the consequences of the choices we make.

Loki Agent of Asgard #06
NF: 2
Doom discovers that old Loki has set plans in motion to destroy Latveria so he seeks to do away with the young Loki.  It’s true; you really can’t get enough of Doctor Doom.  Very few things are better than a scientist sorcerer that waxes philosophic while battling a trickster god who’s trying to be more human.   This is a much more light hearted comic then New Avengers  but also still paves the way for some interesting future stories as we try and find out what Loki has up his sleeve, since he obviously plans on doing more than simply  taking Asgard.

Mighty Avengers #14
NF: 1
Luke Cage and his crew go up against the death walker prime.   The thing I like about mighty avengers is that it’s back to basics old school Super hero vs. Super Villain. Sure the stories are very surface level but that’s the charm, the themes and messages are worn right on the books sleeves and there all positive ones with plenty of fist to face action.  If you want just a fun superhero book without all the drama that’s so prevalent in most titles this is definitely a pick up.

All New Invaders #10
NF: 1
Cap and crew clean up the mess left behind there rescue attempt while a Martian war machine attacks London.   Ok this one was pretty dull.  Once we took out the person controlling all the deathlok’s it stopped being as interesting.  I mean the conspiracy with the Martian is sort of interesting but it really doesn't mean much other than just another invading alien species. The issue ends with cap basically outright stating that there’s more story to go but I’m losing interest fast so I’ll give it one more issue and if it’s still as uninteresting I’ll pull this title.

Deadpool #35
NF: 1
Deadpool seeks out assistance for his friends who are undergoing cellular break down.   This one was very close to being a 4 but it was just lacking something extra to really make me care about what was happening in the story.   The stories are still just underwhelming and not quite living up to the potential past Deadpool issues have but there at least still  entertaining just not as entertaining as they could be.

Edge of the Spiderverse #03
NF: 2
This story follows Aaron Akiman’s adventures as spiderman. It’s an ok story for a Spiderman you've never met and will never see again.  They throw out some interesting ideas but because this is a one shot concept you’ll never see those ideas fully fleshed out so you just shrug your shoulders and say “what’s next?”  Oh yeah and Morlun shows up, so now I’m confused as to who’s hunting down the Spider Men? Is it Morlun or that steampunk guy or is the steampunk guy working for Morlun?  Well I guess we will find out.

Storm #03
NF: 3
Strom travels back to Africa to work with forge on a new weather machine. Is it just me or does storm always seem a little raciest, bah who am I kidding all the X-Men are a little raciest.  I’ve actually come to start disliking storm quite a bit as she lately been written less and less as a leader and more of a pretentious snob who is only interested in what makes her feel better at the moment.  She also seems to have an ax to grind with everyone but Logan, and that might only be because she’s dating him now.   I feel as though she buys into her “goddess” role a little too seriously silently passing judgment down on all the mere mortals of the marvel U.  But all in all this was a much better issue then the previous one but not enough to keep me on bored. Nothing really ever seems to happen in these comics aside from Storm whining or blaming someone for something so Consider this title dropped!

Amazing X-men #11
NF: 2
The x-men find a temporary fix for the Wendigo problem but they find that its source is a war among the great beast of the sprit land.  Wow, still doing the Wendigo arc? Thought we would have wrapped this up by now.  Still it’s a fun issue and even though I know very few members of the Alpha Flight team the issue does a good job at familiarizing you with each of them and what they can do.   The story is actually still fun to read and  even though I am unfamiliar with the Great Beasts I can easily get into who they are and what their motivations are.

Godzilla rulers of the earth #16
NF: 1
Godzilla and Anguirus Battle Showa Mecha-Godzilla and Mech- King Ghidorah which are being controlled by aliens.   Fun monster battles and weak dialogue the typical standard for the IDW Godzilla comics. That said there still fun to read there just very campy and tend to read more like internet fan fiction then solid stories.  It was also really fun to see Godzilla and Anguirus team up all showa style and use old Angy like a mace.

Ghostbusters #20
NF: 1
Winston offers himself as a sacrifice but Tiamat wants something far more painful as tribute.  So wait? Is the comic over? Or just this arc? It says the end of volume 2 but does that mean there’s going to be a hiatus? Or that it’s finished? Well it looking it up they seem to split the series into sections each one being a volume so I’ll assume that this hiatus break and the comic will be back.   so getting back to the comic itself it was a very strong and I will admit not coping out and actually having Winston sacrifice something of value and not just zap the bad guy away  was a pretty good twist, even if I really want the Ghostbusters to go  round 2 with Tiamat .

Alright I’ve had it with you pint sized freaks! This is my blog and I’m taking it back!

While my new Anti-Puppet puppet cleans out the blog here is the pic of the week!  

Doom explains exactly how he feels about his people and his position completely ripping  Namor apart, who made a slight jab about  dooms position as dictator.

*Newcomer friendliness  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Comic Round Up 9/17/14 Fall edition

Round up is back! And just in time for the autumn season.  .
 That’s right it’s time to say goodbye to summer and welcome the brisk, electrical feel of a crisp fall afternoon.
 But the seasons aren't the only things that are changing.  We have a new Thor on the way as well as a new Captain America, not to mention D.C seems to be looking to do some major paradigm shifts with Futures End and Hulk wants rids us of all his kind. So sit back, relax the fall edition of the round up.  Remember if you like any of the titles you see here they can all be purchased or you can adopt a comic store manager and buy from your local shop

Nova #21
*NF: 2
Sam travels to the Chitauri home world in order to free his dad from its gladiatorial arena.   A solid issue all in all, though I still crack up every time I see the Chitauri.  I mean marvel doesn't even know what to do with them since they really were only supposed to be movie villains to the point that they are a completely different race from the Skrull stand-ins of the Ultimate Universe. As a result they have to make up all this brand new info structure for these liner cannon fodder villains that seems so slapped together, but whatever it doesn't take away from the book just makes me chuckle little bit as we continuously  attempt to shoehorn the movie verse and the comic verse together.  Also, what kind of school expels a kid for poor attendance? Isn't that like counterproductive? 

Original Sin Thor and Loki #05
NF: 1
Thor battles Angela and the Queen of Angles as Odin and Loki rush to his side.  This was fantastic, if you didn't read Thor and Loki and you love both characters then you need to go out and pick up this comic.  This has everything you could want action, comedy, drama and suspense I wish all comics could entertain me this much.  I loved the shots of Old Loki reveling in his master plan only to have it upset by Odin and his younger self.  The most touching moment when Odin tells both Thor and Loki how much he cares for both of them, good stuff.

Thor god of Thunder #25
NF: 3
The girls of thunder look study in the greatest library of Asgard as they regal themselves of the history of the nine realms.  A fine conclusion to the Thor god of Thunder   I like that we brought all the Thor story’s we have been reading over the past few months all together.  This issue has certainly eased some of my trepidation of the new female Thor but I’m still not truly on bored since I would much rather follow the Thor I know and love In all these adventures rather than his replacement but it sounds like things are not going to be as smooth or innocent with this new lady Thor.

Hulk #06
NF: 1
Hulk battles A-Bomb in the desert seeking to de-power him.  I really like this idea of de-powering all the hulks that are running around.  This has been a long time in coming since if you can make a team book about hulks you have too many.  So we hopefully will be seeing the last of Red Hulk, fingers crossed, for a long time if we actually take them all out.

Hulk Annual #01
The Hulk battles a new foe that was once a former scientist that worked for him.  Like most annuals it’s poorly written and makes a lot of mistake the biggest one being that the issue just droned on and on and on.  We don’t need to know every single sordid detail of how this new villain came to be. That said I’m always game for new opponents for are heroes to fight you can only fight the same foes so many times.

Deadpool bi annual #01
Deadpool takes a job from marine world to stop the eco terrorist group brute force.  Battle Beast? Really? That’s actually kind of funny.   This was typical Deadpool goofiness that seems to encompass stupid humor rather than story humor more but  even though I really miss some of the older Deadpool stories this one actually made me laugh and I did enjoy the story even if it really wasn't anything to brag about.  Plus any time you reference battle beast or Voltron you get a thumbs up from me.

Miles Morales Ultimate Spiderman #05
NF: 1
The two Spiderman flee the scene of their fight with the green goblin while Norman Osborn pays a visit to J Jonah Jameson.   Ultimate Spiderman never lets me down with its ability to we've a strong narrative.  It’s quite an interesting issue and it looks like we’re going to get answers about our new mystery Parker, I’m still calling Spider verse nonsense but we will see.

Avengers #35
NF: 0
Five months into the future everything goes crazy and shield begins hunting down members of the illuminate.  I don’t understand a blasted thing that just happened in this book and it’s a tad bit frustrating.  From what I gather Marvel is obviously jealous of D.C’s futures end project and trying to do their own mini Futures End in the avenger’s comics.  I am starting to get tired of the “look into the future” story all these comics seem to try and be pushing it’s not nearly as interesting as they think it is especially since the comics won’t even go down this path solving the problem before it happens.

Wolverine and the x-men #09
NF: 1
Wolverine goes to the hellfire club to try and talk some sense into Quentin Quire.  I don’t know. I understand were trying to create drama but I’m having a hard time buying into Quentin’s sudden change of heart.  So he saw himself die in the future and that sends him back to his old super villainous ways.  With all the character development that was happening with him I hardly feel like a simple vision of the future would be enough to tilt him over.  I think the issue could have handled this is a lot better than it did but it does have a nice flair for the dramatic even if it doesn't make as much sense as it should.

Uncanny X-men #26
NF: 2
The x-men go to find and omega level mutant as part of Xaviers last wishes.   Decent build up for the threat and it’s nice to see some of the X-men put aside their feelings and work together again, well except for Ice Man.  I do have a little trouble with Ice mans zealous hate for Cyclops, after all the crazy stuff the x-men have been through over the years and how many of them have been mind controlled, impersonated, or had evil doppelgangers yet he still hate Scott Summers so much. I think it’s a little hypocritical to blame everything on Cyclops ,of course If Cyclops didn't keep acting like a douche all the time maybe people would warm back up to him.

All New X-men #32
NF: 1
The x-men are transported throughout time and space and must figure out where they are.  It was a fun issue it just didn't really accomplish anything.   We know where all the x-men are now but there’s nothing story wise happening here.  After this issue all I could do was shrug my shoulders and think ‘that’s nice, but so what’. 

Batman and robin: Futures End  #01
NF:  2
Batman fights a powerful enemy that may or may not be Damien.   Meh, it was a good fight and I actually like the future Robin they set up, but again I don’t see much point crossing over Futures End with every book on the market.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how all this pans out; I’m not holding my breath for anything even remotely interesting to come out of this though.  In all honesty If we do bring some of these things into the main timeline I think I would have preferred to have them come through the natural course of time and not just show me everything before It’s even introduced.   I’m not a spoiler person I like to be surprised by a story but I feel like Futures end is going to  ignore everything or I was just given the stories for the next 3 years so I don’t need to waste any money by D.C comics for a while.

Green Lantern Guardians: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Kyle Rayner has become a god and now seeks to find a replacement.  It was an interesting story I’ll give it that and kind of flipping Kyle on his side is an interesting idea except for the fact that It’s getting old hat and we either need to make this kind of future happen or just revert him back to a green lantern because all this white lantern stuff? It’s getting kind of stupid.

Teen Titans: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Refugees from earth 2 gather together to fight back against the mega cooperation that continuously oppresses them.   So is supposed to be the real Klarion or just an earth 2 version because they do know Klarion doesn't come from earth 2 right? And that he’s not Loki either?  Whatever, this was actually a really boring issue anyway and hardly worth my time or yours for that matter. 

Supergirl: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Supergirl has been turned into a Cyborg and comes back to destroy earth.    Alright, I’ll admit I had some fun with this one.  If I just let everything go and try and enjoy the issue for what it is this one is…entertaining. Good  is a little too bit  strong a word for it but seeing a Cyborg Supergirl was so ridicules that I can’t help but be entertained and there were some nice hero/character moments and ended on a more upbeat notion which is pretty rare for Futures End.

Wonder Woman: Futures End #01
NF: 2
Wonder Woman fight against a massive army of creatures lead by a foe called Nemesis. Meh, the story really wasn't a story as much as it was just wonder woman mulling about the meaning of war then slicing up monsters.  Though at least this one featured Wonder Woman most of these WW comics barely feature her anymore.   Oh! And look, a “to be continued in a separate Futures End comic” …yeah I’m not going to even bother.

Godzilla Cataclysm #02
NF: 1
Godzilla returns and does battle with Biollante and Mothra as the survivors fear what his return means for them all.   Hahahah this is fantastic.  I love, love, love the idea of a post apocalyptic Godzilla story  and it’s written fairly well at least enough that even non Godzilla fan’s should be able to appreciate the story.   I also nearly fell out of my chair in laughter when I read that the current generation prays to the Kaiju as if they were gods, that has to be the most hysterical thing I've read all week.

Well I hope you all enjoyed your walk among the changing season

and maybe something even caught your eye. No, not that 

The pic of the week!

This week goes to the giant foreshadowing splash page of Lady Thor and what adventures await in the coming months.  Will they turn out to be epic adventures of the grandest scale or just another black mark in the long history of comics?

*Nf refers to Newcomer friendliness 0 being the worst and 3 being the best 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Comic Round Up for 9/3/2014 Lazy edition

No fancy theme this week and no blog next week as I adjust to my new schedule. But we do have a ton of interesting comics to look over as Original sin concludes and D.C is possessed by a malevolent spirit that forces them to stop all their current plot lines and make all their books for the month 5 years into the future where *spoiler* everybody dies! But If your into that kind of thing or you like any of the comics seen here is your number one digital download spot but if you’re looking for something a bit more physical check your local comic shop and support their entrepreneurship. f  So sit back and enjoy the Punisher punishing, X-men arguing and getting lost in the woods.  Its comic round up day!

Original in #08

*Major Spoilers*
NF: 1

All secrets come out and Nick Fury’s final fate is revealed.   So I liked Original Sin and unlike many of the marvel crossover events this one ended reasonably ok if not a little confusing.   The biggest problem with this whole arc is that the big mystery is pretty much solved by issue three so that makes the reveal less surprising or interesting as it should have been.  By issue 3 you already know that Fury’s behind most of this and it’s pretty darn obvious that he shot the watcher the only question that remained for the rest of the series was whether he “murdered” the watcher or if there was some other circumstances that led to killing the watcher.  On top of this I’m left with more questions coming out then I did going in and that’s a little annoying considering it was an 8 issue series that kind of just had people standing around waiting for fury to fess up.  I mean is the orb now like an Anti Watcher?  Nick Fury’s the Specter now or, excuse me, the Unseen? So is Midas dead?  And who cared about Midas or his daughter in the first place?   I guess there are some questions the worlds just not ready for.

Rocket Raccoon #03
NF: 1

Rocket meets with an underworld boss to try and find some clues about his imposter.  I might be giving this book a higher rating then it deserves but it is a lot of fun and certainly keeps me coming back for more.  However I’m not the biggest fan of the book being a comedy especially since there’s only a hand full of jokes that don’t come from rocket that are even close to being funny and I feel like we’re starting to lose rockets character bit as we seem to be trying to turn him into just a hyperactive quipping murder machine instead of a fully fleshed character.

Legendary Start Lord #03
NF: 2

Starlord wakes up to find himself in a badoon prison with no way out.   Again we need to decide what Starlord were going to go with, the movie or the comic, he can’t be both because that just gets annoying it’s time to pick one or the other. Other then that the comic runs pretty well it’s entertaining and enjoyable but nothing groundbreaking. Well except that Peters going to take on Thanos! Maybe long overdue revenge for Nova? Gosh, I miss Richard Rider.

Captain America #24
NF: 1

Zola’s mutates continue to ravage New York as his final plan is set into motion. This book is really trying hard to showcase the falcon so that everyone accepts him as the new Cap.  If we keep this same writing staff on bored once Sam takes the Captains mantle then I’ll be fine with him as Captain America for a little while, because let’s face it, if you think Steve Rogers is not going to go back to being cap you’re in denial.

The Punisher #10
NF: 2

Punisher organizes a prison break while Del Sol attempts to put LA in a state of complete chaos.  Agree or disagree with the Punisher’s philosophy and actions one certainly can’t argue with the results and that’s watching franks castle beat down scum and incite prison riots to escape.  I’m looking forward to Punisher returning to LA and putting the hurt back on Del Sol .

Death Of Wolverine #01
NF: 3

Nuke tracks Wolverine in order to collect a bounty that’s been placed on his head.   Ok so I spoke to soon, still don’t think he’s going to actually die though.  But anyway even without his healing factor wolverine is still incredibly BA just slaughtering everything that comes his way.  I love the shot of the beach with A.I.M, Hydra, the hand and other assorted baddies just laying dead in the sand.  The art is fantastic as well very detailed and gives that gruff wolverine feel.

X-men #19
NF: 1

The X-men try and locate who sent these alien hunters after death bird and why the shiar are involved.  Ok, so I know I missed an issue but what? I mean I feel like I miss one issue and I’m so out of the loop that it’s like I missed 20 issues I mean who’s’ the *black order ? What happened to Sydren, what’s the deal with manifold Tyger ? He a bad guy or what? And where did he come from anyway?   The issue presents a lot of questions but little answers as someone who follows the space universe rather closely it was a little frustrating to feel that out of the loop.

Uncanny x-men #25
Nf: 2

Xavier reveals his greatest secret and the x-men must decide what to do about it.  Well It was a good secret, even if I feel like there have been over a dozen “mutant too powerful for the world” plot-lines.  Still it was a good read and the X-men’s reactions were priceless in all areas.

Swamp Thing Futures End #1
NF: 3

Its 5 years later and swamp thing launches a final campaign to destroy the Rot forever.  That was weird. I mean it was epic and everything but it didn’t really make a sense, nor did it really matter in the end. since this is supposedly the “future”  none of this stuff has actually happened yet so the chances of this actually coming into play are slim to none so why didn’t we just make this an else world title?  And why is metal a thing that doesn’t even make sense.

Detective comics: Futures End # 1
NF: 3

Batman is shown throughout the years. Wait if Futures end is supposed to be 5 years later isn’t this comic kind of cheating since we see the beginning and the end but none of it takes place 5 years after the current detective comics, ah well it doesn’t even matter the issue was kind of dull anyway.  The far future stuff was kind of neat but I prefer the legacy aspect of batman beyond then Wayne clones.

Green Arrow Futures End # 1

Green Arrow makes a bargain with the outsiders and goes after Cadmus.  The whole futures end thing is kind of lame if you ask me.  I don’t see what the point is of taking all the comics for the month and making them a one shot that doesn’t really mean anything to the D.C.U as a whole. Oh sure they will try and make the comics start leading towards these future story’s but in the end they will just get sidetracked and do their own thing anyway.  Honestly I’m waiting for another crisis.  Oh right I’m supposed to talk about the comic,  well It’s honestly just  a comic nothing special and if you haven’t been reading  futures end then this one is rather pointless to read.

Green Lantern Futures End #1
NF: 3

The Black Lanterns are back and Hal Jordan must enlist and unlikely ally to aid him in their destruction.  Like swamp thing this was a nice read but just feels ultimately pointless. There were some very nice and tender moments between Hal and his father but again I just shrug and say “so what” in three years time this story will be so out of canon it’s not even funny so why bother with all this.

 Grayson Futures end #1
NF: 3

Dick reflects back on his life as he finds himself at the end of it.  So what futures end is “kill all the heroes because it’s edgy” if this is the future new 52 wants to push then it’s a rather bleak one, not to mention doesn’t make any sense.   If this isn’t the future they want to go with then why waste my time with all these single issues in the first place? Oh right, money.  I’ll give it this, Grayson is a clever story, I hesitate using the word good, but it was certainly clever, going backwards in the story is a neat gimmick but ultimately a futile one.

Aquaman Futures end #1

Aquaman deals with the pressures of being the king of a dying kingdom.  Hey! Aquaman didn’t die at the end of this…oh wait it has a “ to be continued”  so there still time for him to kick the bucket .  Ok, so technically Green Arrow didn’t die either but he’s also a “to be continued” so he could die again.  Back to Aquaman, the book is actually pretty boring with whiny Atlantians, Aquaman being a tool and and scorned Mera.  kind of felt like this after the book 

Figment #04
NF: 1

Blair and crew find themselves in the midst of the nightmare nation.  After all the gloomy stories D.C just put out I relish in this titles boundless optimism and encouragement of bucking the system and not letting the world tell you that you can grab hold of your dreams.   This little Disney/Marvel title about a purple dragon has more encouragement and goodwill then anything I’ve read all week,  hats’ off to you figment, hats off to you.

Fairest #29
NF: 0

The farm fables mull about the fairness of limited glamour’s while Reynard attempts an escape from his captors.  The same solid writing continues be just as amazing as the first issue. I enjoy watching the escapades of the farm fables and the crazy hijinks that ensue when you keep people enclosed in a single area for 100s of years.  The scene of Owl and Pussy Cat were especially well written to the point I forgot I was looking at an owl and a cat.

The Woods#05
NF: 2

The kids are captured by strange people while the others try to mount a rescue.  I love this book, and I’ll be honest there a hefty percentage that has to do with the monsters.  But I also love the mystery and drama the book perpetuates I feel like all the people in the book are real people and I can connect to their story and there plights.

The Names #01
NF: 1

A woman’s husband is murdered and framed as a suicide so she begins her journey to discover her husband’s killer.  This looks to be a promising series. I like conspiracy tales and I like and I won’t deny that I like the journey of revenge type of stories as well and this one has both in spades. With a strong black female protagonist I’m predicating that this comic is going to shoot up in the independent comic charts.

Pic of the week comes from the Death of Wolverine and his beach of dead assassins. plus to make up for a lack of eye candy this blog head over to D.C Entertainment and watch some of the funny shorts they have up.