Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Comic Roundup for June 18th

Hey there Comic fanatics! Here’s the latest roundup of my read list for June 18th.  Heads up for faithful followers that there will not be a roundup for this week, but I’ll probably have something else for you.  As always be on the lookout for wild spoilers.

Original sin #04
I can’t even give a description for this comic without spoiling it.  Suffice it to say this thing has it all and keeps getting crazier, secrets, lies, misdirection Frank Castle pawning the Hulk. for the first time I really feel like the Marvel universe has been tipped on its side. If you’re not reading original sin go get it it’s fantastic.

Nova #18
Nova faces off against the Watchers alleged killers but finds out a secret that rocks his world.  Finally! A secret that’s actually something big!  A lot of people have been hard on the new Nova comic but I've rather enjoyed it. Sam Alexander has truly grown on me as the new Nova, even if I’m still mad that they haven’t told us what happened to Richard Rider.  This issue was a good reminder of how much of a kid Sam still is and how loss affects him more than others.

Avengers #31
The avengers continue their trip through time only to find it’s not what they expected.  It’s a little more interesting then it has been but it’s still rather pointless.  I’m not really sure what this comic is trying to accomplish but I just left Age of Ultron I don’t need to revisit it.

Iron Man #28
Iron man finishes of the 10 rings of the Mandarin and deals with the aftermath.  While there are story elements that occur in this issue it’s hardly anything worth picking up.  If you like iron man it’s ok but It’s probably best to jump in on the next issue when we start a new story arc.

Thor god of thunders #23
Thor launch in a final fight against Roxxon and Ulik the troll king also old Thor lays the smack down on Galactus.  Yeah! Now that’s a Thor comic! Watching the god of thunder beat the tar out of all his enemies while uttering some of his best lines in ages is what makes reading comics so much fun.

Punisher #07
Frank Castle seeks treatment for his wounds but ends up in the hands of a South American cartel.  Yes, more of this. Punisher is just completely BA in here kicking butt and taking names this continues to be a great run for the punisher. Lesson to be learned here is don’t try and think your better then the Punisher, your not.

Silver surfer #03
The Surfer and Dawn try and return the heart of the Never Queen.  More fun than I expected. The art style was a little off putting to me at first but the comic is a lot of fun even if it at times it seems a little paint by numbers.

Uncanny x-men #22
S.H.E.I.L.D  vs. the X-men, nuff said.    Hellicarriers, sentinels, mutants, Mystique everything you can squeeze into a single x-men comic with plenty of serious fallout for both sides.  

X-Men #15
The Future has finally come to take away baby Shogo but the X-Men aren't giving him up without a fight.  Bad man is coming to steal jubilees baby, this is a hilariously chick plot for a team of all female X-men but that doesn't mean it’s not entertaining but if you’re not interested in any of the current members of this team then I’d just give this a skip.  I will admit though I love all the stuff we've tacked on to Jubilee to try and make her relevant again we had to make her a vampire ,a single mom and an x-men for anyone to take notice but it’s worked and I really enjoy her story.

Wolverine and the x-men #05
Trusty John fights with the students of Jean Grey School of Learning while Quentin quire goes to the source.  X-men fighting against the future seems to be a rather common problem these days.  The cast is fun to read and I enjoyed watching wolverine and Cyclops getting along for a little bit but the story itself is just feels as if it’s a rehash of other X stories.

Batman and Ras Al ghul #32
Batman has teamed up with Frankenstein to stop Ra’s from resurrecting Robin in a corrupted Lazarus pit.   I-I don’t understand.  This is like a pre new 52 comic back when batman and everyone were fun to read. I don’t know how to process this …annnd new 52 Apokolpis, mood killed.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #32
An Oan has been abducted so carol Ferris and the other Oans go to find him.  This was actually pretty good in a dark sort of way. Very alien body horror kind of motif which made it kind of cool and different

Super girl #32
Super girl fights the World Killer who wants to take over her body. Standard punch em up fair as supergirl just beats on the World Killer and angst about being kicked out of the red lanterns.

Wonder Woman
The Firstborn has taken over hell and now is bringing his war to life with only wonder woman standing between him and his goals.   Wonder Woman is still cool, but her story has been lacking ever since she become the literal daughter of zeus. They have gotten more convoluted and complicated than ever before and half the time I find myself not understanding what’s happening or simply not caring.


The stage is being set and Fables begins its march into its final story.   If you’re just now picking up fables, stop it. Go back to issue one and read it properly you’ll thank yourself for it. For those of you who do read Fables well this issue is pretty much all set up with lots of exposition, still a great issue just hasn't gotten to the meat of the new story yet.

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